Sunday, May 29, 2016


Romans 3:23 begins with the word “since” – “Since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God, which God bestows.”  [AMP] This takes us to the previous verse. Verse 22 gives us the hope of God.

We all sin. Some people lie. Others steal or murder. Still others cheat themselves, other people, or God. Some people choose homosexual relationships while others beat their spouse. Some sins are more visible and people consider them worse sins.

We must realize no sin and sinner is worse than any other. We must realize God recognizes we are all sinners. The “since” of verse 23 leads us back to the previous two verses. God gives us hope as Paul stated it in Romans 3:21-22.
“Now the righteousness of God has been clearly revealed apart from the Law, though it I confirmed by the Law and the Prophets. This righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe. There is no distinction.” [AMP]
All people sin and are sinners. No one is righteous because of his or her sin. All sins are equal to God; they are sin and separate us from Him. Period. Only by God’s forgiveness of us of our sins can we be made righteous. Jesus Christ died our death penalty for our sins so we can have God’s forgiveness of our sins.

All sins are the same; they separate us from Holy God.

Accept God’s righteousness through Jesus Christ.
Believe Jesus Christ is God’s Son and your Savior.
Confess your sins to God and be made righteous.
Don’t delay.
Enter God’s presence and live eternally with Him.

Oh God, we ask for Your mercy and forgiveness. Make us clean so we can be in Your presence.