Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Psalms Like David's

When I think of God, I wonder how I can even consider His vastness, His greatness?
How can I begin to put into feeble words who He is?
How can I say anything that is new that David and the other psalmists have never written?
Then I realize God did not ask me to write something new about Him; He asked me to write about Him.

Each person knows just a part of God. No one can ever say everything about Him,
But we each can speak about His attributes and character He revealed to us.
To do this out loud, publicly, requires courage and transparency.
To do this requires the Spirit of God to lead us into and through this psalm.

I can hear through history David singing, “Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth,”
And my heart sings and soars.
I recall his singing “The rivers clap their hands and the earth sings for joy,”
And my soul spirals with joy.

Then I sit and I recall who God has been for me and who His Word says He is,
And I fall to my knees crying, “Holy is the Lord God almighty!”
I cannot bear to be in His presence while standing
But must lay prostrate before Him, my great God almighty.

His breath blows my way;
I feel its heat and know I am unworthy to even feel it pass.
God’s eyes look upon me and I am undone to my soul;
His righteousness is purer than even the cleanest white I can imagine.

At this point, I hear Isaiah cry out his psalm, “I am a man of unclean lips.”
Yet here I lay in His presence proclaiming my King, the Lord Almighty!

His voice calls out, thunder tears the skies, and torrents rain down from His heavens,
Yet still I live to behold His greatness and tell of His mercies.
His commands boom forth and nature instantly obeys; He is Creator and Master.
With this, how can I still try to deny Him and go my own way?

His hands stretched out and stars, planets, and moon became fixed in place.
And I deigned to think I could choose my place in this world?
The gentleness of His nail-scarred hands surprises me by His touch of my tear-stained face.
How could I ever have doubted His love?

His heart beats louder than any cacophonous drum calling each person to come.
My heart beats as reverb; it can do nothing else.
Though fear breaks out in my heart and mind upon hearing its beat,
His “Peace, be still” calms my soul and beckons to me.

Then in my fear and the courage I can muster,
I raise my eyes to dare look at this great King.
What I see and recognize in an instant
Are the tears flowing down His face.

The sorrow and pain, I study, reveals
God sees what I’ve done and knows how I feel.
He recognizes the pain I brought on myself
Also seeing what others did when I couldn’t seek help.

His understanding is fathomless, nothing hidden from Him;
Yet love, mercy, forgiveness flows o’er me and then,
My breath catches, heart skips, I feel
Fresh breezes, washed cleaned, and redeemed.

Renamed as God’s child; Remade like new.
History is wiped away and I must tell you.
Lord God Almighty is more than we’ve heard;
He’s greater than what pen spoke and louder than said words.
He’s boundless, magnificent, more powerful than we think.
God is Creator, Protector, Redeemer, and King.
He’s always present, always loving, transcendent above all things.
He is love defined, descended, then raised upon a tree.
God’s unstoppable, undefeatable, risen ever to reign.
He’s the King of the beginning, middle, end through eternity
King of kings? He’s more than that.
He transcends thought, space, and time.
God’s undefinable, victorious, my Savior divine.

I may not sing like angels or write psalms like David,
But I know always forever, My Lord, My King, My Jesus is mine!

-Gail Suratt Davis