Sunday, August 18, 2019


On that dark and gray-clouded day
“What happened, what occurred?” the people asked.
            The stranger in the crowd, “Who is that man?”
            The follower on the rock, “My teacher. What wrong has He done?”
            The mother gasping in heart-pain, “My son. What did He do?”
            The solder standing at cross-beamed timbers, “Surely, He’s who He said.”

Then a lone woman fell on her knees at the base of Life, looking up in wonder at the greatest miracle ever heard, ever seen     
            as anguish crossed his face
            as His eyes looked upward
            as His words rang out true.
And as His blood drops fell before my bent knees, “I knew I was unworthy to be in His sight.
            then anguish crossed my face as I considered my sin-stain unworthiness
            then my eyes looked upward, and I knew love
            then my tears fell before His feet.
Unworthy though they be,
            my tears dropped one, then two, three and four.
            first around His blood drops,
            then increasingly more
            as my heart broke at my sin
            as I looked on His glory
                        drops of pain, aware of my sin
                        drops of gratitude, aware of His love
                        drops of thanks, aware of my redemption
                        drops of love, recognizing this Man as my Savior divine
                        drops of Joy, aware of my new story to tell.

Sin-stain. Love-gained. Redemption made Free.
Risen from the grave
Risen from my knees
His story because of my story.
I must tell
            of a woman on her knees weeping into blood drops
            of so great a love given my heart and soul made clean
            of His great love shared for the world to return
Redemption provided
Blood-death given
So all could be cleaned
                           made new
To live now and eternally with the God who never gave up on me.

Blood drops. Tear drops now mingled.
The lone woman now redeemed.