Sunday, October 27, 2019


“The door,” He says, “I am.”
The way to peace.
The door is open.
Come, see who He is.

“The door,” whispers people.
“What is it for?”
“Come see,” says He, “Come to Me.”

Closer we come, step one, then two.
Walking, inching closer to see.
Breath held, unsure, inching closer still.

We whisper, “Who is it? What does He do?”

Going closer, to see, who can it be?
Hearing words, glimpsing heart;
What can it mean?

Drawing closer, we see, door open wide;
Blood on the ground, heart calling my name;
Hand on His side, one raised to call;
I hear, I see, curious I slip close to His side.

Looking, hearing, I recognize love.
Step one, then two, I enter in.
The door’s open wide, welcoming all to go in.
Calling all people, all sheep to know Him.

I look around and see life abundant and new.
Peace, rest, and strength provided for all,
Food, shelter, and love, why’d I never see Him?

Before in my life, as I walked outside the door,
I wandered sometimes hungry, no peace to find.
Stumbling in chaos, failing in strength,
The Shepherd still called, “Come home,” but…
I turned my head to see others instead.
Why would I choose to turn, walk away,
When love and grace came my way?
Rebellion, ignorance, deceit, I want my way.

Now as I wander through the door to the fold,
Peace, rest, and love replace
Fear, envy, and death.

Deep sigh, I expel, terrors no more.
The Savior, my door, welcomes me,
Saves me,
Loves me,
Calls me His friend.

The door is always open;
The Shepherd still beckons, “Come in.”
Why wander outside when He gives
Mercy, and
Love for all who enter by Him?

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:9-10 [NASB])