Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Certain in Uncertainties

Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared, but we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. (1 John 3:2 [ESV])
I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. (John 17:13 [NIV])
We face an unparalleled time in which 99% of the world's population never have encountered anything like the COVID-19 virus. We fear getting the virus and dying. We fear for our family members' lives. We fear our world will never be like it was before COVID. We fear this time will never end.

Our fears are not new to God. He has seen everything that has befallen humankind. God is unchanged by this virus or any that ever came before it. He is still faithful, still gracious, still merciful, and still all-mighty. All the attributes God had from before time began still are part of who He is. We can be certain about God even in uncertain times.

For those who are God's children by the salvation Jesus provides to make every believer righteous, they can be certain they will be in heaven with Him even though they do not know now what that will look like.

Besides this, believers in Jesus can have joy in uncertain times. How is that? God is the source of joy. His children, through Jesus, are filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 17:13 that He gave His followers His joy.

So, Christians can have joy in uncertain times, and they can be certain of God in uncertain times because He never changes; He is always faithful.

What fears are you facing today? Cast them away and live in the joy Jesus gives by His Spirit living in you. What uncertainties make you cower? Give them to God and He will help you bear your yoke while giving you His joy. God said He would never leave or forsake His children in Deuteronomy 31:6. Whatever Satan throws at you or tries sneakily to plant into your mind, cast it away from you knowing you can be certain in God in times of uncertainty and you can have joy during hard times because the Holy Spirit lives in you.

Lord, it is scary living in this world today. I have heard people say, “This is not my world anymore.” I have never lived through anything like this before. Each day I wake, I am afraid. Forgive me for allowing my fears to take prominence in my mind. Help me be strong because of You, Lord, for You are almighty and Your love endures forever. God help me remember Your Spirit lives in me and I have all Your joy within me. Help me live with the joy You give and with trust in You that nothing can affect me without You going through it with me. Oh, Lord, I am amazed and thankful as I recall Your love and faithfulness, Your grace and mercy, and Your might and power. You are amazing, and I am so small. Thank you for Your joy and faithfulness. Amen.