Thursday, June 29, 2023

Your Eyes


“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

— Matthew 6:22-23


Your actual eyes guide your body and tell you which way to go. In comparison, your mind’s eye, which is informed by reason, desire, and spirit, tells a person what to do, whether good or bad. 


If your desires and reason are Holy Spirit led—your spirit agrees with and aligns with the Holy Spirit—then the light of the Spirit will lead you and fill you with His light and you will do good according to God’s will.


In contrast, if you desire to live contrary to God (in rebellion to Him and His good will for you), then your eyes—your mind, desire, and spirit—are bad and you will be full of darkness, which is rebellion against God and the good He has for you. Your bad eyes will lead you into darkness. That darkness is sin. That darkness is worse than bodily blindness. 


Lord, let me see with Your eyes. Let me not look at a day as bad or blah and then allow myself to be in a bad mood for lack of light. Whether there is light from sun, moon, and stars or not, You, Lord, have created weather, nature, and me to go through season, to change, and grow, and sometimes to die/cast away like the burning of leaves fallen from trees. You, Lord, can use any season and weather for growth in nature and in a person. Lord, grow me closer to you and to be more like you. Let not the weather, people, or circumstances dictate my outlook or mood, but You, Lord, use them to teach and grow me. You can use the sun to grow Your creation, but you also use clouds, rain, and snow to cause growth. Grow me today, Lord, for Your will and good purpose. Make the eyes by which I guide my life be Your eyes, Your Spirit in me and guiding me. Thank you for what You’re going to do today.