Saturday, March 9, 2024


”The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him sincerely and in truth.“

Psalm 145:18 AMPC


Notice, the independent clause states a fact: God is near. He stays near His beloved creation, in this case, people. He is the initiator of this relationship.


The dependent clause shows a slightly different nearness. The Lord is near to anyone who calls upon Him truly, with their whole being. The initiator of this closer relationship is the person who earnestly sought God for himself or herself.


The first clause explains a bit of who God is—Creator, Protector, Provider. The second clause explains the growth of the person because of his or her understanding of who God is. The person recognizes and believes in God as Yahweh—I AM, the One who was, is, and forever will be. God does not change, but when the person truly seeks God, in that person’s heart, soul, body, and spirit, that person gives God a fuller/complete role in his or her life. That saved person accepts God for all He is.


When a person seeks God, God becomes more than Creator, Protector, Provider. In his or her mind, heart, body, and spirit, God becomes Lord, Yahweh, and Savior.


Is your relationship with God one sided where He is the only one to actively be in it? Or, is your relationship two-sided, where you acknowledge God’s presence and sovereignty and worship Him and He guides you in His ways for your benefit and His purposes of love—love for you and other people?


Have you initiated a relationship with God by believing in Jesus as your Savior?

That’s the first step of a lifelong reciprocal relationship with God.