Saturday, March 8, 2025

Opaqueness in Life


Halo opaque,

essence surreal

Breathe whispers promise,

Hope lingers there.


Rising the sun,

Fresh newness of day,

Brings bright promise

Of hope on the way.


Whispers slip past,

Worries flee the light,

Heaven’s sweet nearness

Caress rested minds.


Promising rest,

Weary soul’s retreat,

Breathing with ease,

Bright promises meet.


Waking on new day,

Crescent fire in sky,

Joy comes with morning,

They exhale, we’re alive.


Stepping through new day,

Noon, evening, too,

Life’s great pattern

Constantly true.


Hindrances step back,

New Conq’rer trods in,

Savior’s great coming,

Sin and death to suspend.


Once forever always,

Walk through golden gates,

Always a victor

With the Ancient of days.


Life transformed, new,

Heart bursts with love,

Christ forever, always

Redeemer from above.


Justified, forgiven,

Never held at bay,

Walking with the Savior

Forever and always.


Halo opaque

Brings no fear of night,

Creator made them,

No harm comes from His might.


All His creation,

Good, He called them all,

Welcomes you in love,

Saves from man’s fall.


For this He made us,

Relationship so dear,

Living with the Savior

heart’s beat….

breath’s sigh….

my Savior and me.