Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jesus Turned and Looked

Jesus Turned and Looked

After Jesus was taken by the soldiers and the priests to be questioned and tried, Peter denied three times that he knew Him. In Luke 22:61, Luke records a touching and deeply penetrating action by Jesus. Luke wrote,

"At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.” [NLT]

Peter had adamantly told Jesus he would never deny Him, but soon after fulfilled what Jesus said he would do.

In none of the other three Gospels is this action by the Lord recorded. Imagine, Jesus turned and looked at Peter after He heard the rooster crow. He knew what that meant. Peter had denied Him 3 times.

Imagine the penetration of the look from Jesus into Peter's heart.

Imagine the sudden realization Peter had of his thrice denial of Jesus. He probably did not realize he had done it but was trying to save himself from persecution.

Imagine the guilt Peter felt, that he, the one about whom Jesus said upon that rock He would build His church, had denied Christ.

Imagine the pity Jesus felt when He looked at one of the three disciples of His inner circle. Remember, in the Garden while Jesus sweated drops of blood, the three disciples could not keep their weak flesh from falling asleep. Jesus then said, pray that you do not fall into temptation. Jesus knew His disciples were weak because they were human. But, He knew Peter loved Him and knew He is the Son of God. Peter had proclaimed it. So, imagine the pity Jesus felt in that look He took at Peter.

The story does not end with this final look. It does not end with Peter living unforgiven and without a task from Christ. Upon Christ's resurrection, He restored Peter; He forgave Him and called him anew to be the rock upon which the Jerusalem church would be built.

Peter probably mourned his denial of Christ. He probably felt he had a hand in Christ's crucifixion. But Jesus renewed and restored Him for His purposes. No person has ever sinned so much that Jesus cannot forgive him or her. Jesus wants everyone to come into a saving relationship with God. His purpose for coming in human form was to pay the penalty to release us from sin and its judgment of death. That death means an eternal separation from God. When we believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior with our whole heart and confess our sins, God will forgive us and give us eternal life with Him.

We do not have to be weighed down with the baggage of our sins. We can be in a love relationship with God by believing in Jesus as our Savior. Peter experienced that after Jesus' resurrection. His guilt and shame because he denied Christ three times was forgiven and he could move forward renewed in relationship with God.

Have you felt Jesus turning and looking at you after you've done something wrong? Jesus is calling to you now to come to Him, believe in Him, and be saved and renewed by Him.