Wednesday, July 14, 2021



Wake up, you people.

Wake up to the voice of God.

Hear the awesome roar of His voice,

And know He is almighty.


Wake up, you people.

Wake up and know the voice of God.

Hear His amazing proclamation,

And consider His lovingkindness.


Wake up, you people.

Wake up and heed the voice of God.

Hear and know He is the Lord,

And obey His righteous commands.


Wake up, you people.

Wake up and praise your God almighty.

Declare He is Lord over all,

And shine His light for all people.


Wake up, you people.

Raise your hands in praise to the Lord,

Maker of heaven and earth,

And Redeemer of all who believe.

Declare His unfailing love.

Proclaim His bountiful blessings.

Shout to the heavens of the magnificence of God;

And tell people of His sacrificial love for them.


The Lord is mighty and worthy of praise.

Lift your hands and sing,

Great is the Lord and worthy of praise.

He reigns from everlasting to everlasting.

Praise the Lord!


(In response to Isaiah 51:1, 4, & 7)