Sunday, July 3, 2022

Stagger Them with Your Power

“Don’t kill them, for my people soon forget such lessons; stagger them with your power, and bring them to their knees, O Lord our shield.” (Psalms 59:11 [NLT])

Who is “them” to David? Saul’s men, who he sent to keep an eye on him.

Who is “them” to you? People, difficulties, anticipated trouble, fear?

Do you need to remember God staggers our enemies with His power? He still staggers Satan with His power. Can you hear God saying to Satan, “You think you know Me? You don’t know just how great and powerful I am. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Are you still in awe of God or have you forgotten the depth of His love for you? Don’t forget about God. Don’t forget His great power that He’ll use for you. God still loves you. He has a plan. If you wonder how God is going to “fix” this problem, hear Him tell Satan, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” That’s our God. 

Whether we remember Him in our daily lives and crises or not, God is still powerful. He is still majestic. God still knows all things and knows what you are facing.

Worship this God, our God, who David praised before He intervened for him. David was saying through his praises, “Saul, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. My God is almighty!”

What trouble do you need to give to God in praise, knowing God is almighty? He has already taken care of it. There isn’t anything He has not seen. Let God stagger you with His power.