Sunday, February 19, 2023

Through Christ


“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

— Philippians 4:13


The word “through” in this context cannot be read-over quickly. It gives dynamic meaning and purpose to this verse Paul wrote. Here, “through” gets its meaning from who Jesus is. It means being within something or someone—being within the realm or sphere of someone. Paul explicitly wrote in whose realm he lived, Jesus Christ’s.


So, consider this verse again. Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ.” He didn’t say, “I can do all things.” Paul recognized his sinful self. He knew from past experience that, though highly educated, he was no one and had no power. Paul realized that only by staying in Jesus’ realm—within His sphere by obeying Him and growing closer to Him—could he do anything. For without Christ as His Savior, he himself was an accursed, sinful, willful man. Only by staying and living within the realm of Christ—living through Him—could Paul do anything.


Notice Paul did not make a list of what He could do through Jesus. If he had, anything not on that list would be considered by him and others as attainable/doable in human strength, knowledge, wisdom, etc. Paul knew and taught that he was sinful without adding any “but” as a tag ending. He knew without doubt he could do nothing for God without Jesus’ strength, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love, etc. Paul knew he could do nothing for God through his own power, strength, wisdom, etc. He realized and taught, “I can do ALL things THROUGH Christ who gives me strength.” This verse could say, I can do all things ONLY through Christ who gives me strength. When I understand this, then I can understand what Paul meant. 


What do I still insist to do and then tell God, “I got this”? What sin keeps me from acknowledging I am sinful and can do no good without Jesus’ strength and guidance.? 


Without acknowledging my sinfulness and weakness, I cannot say what Paul did. 


Without acknowledging my sins, my pride in myself keeps me from truly obeying God. It gets in the way of the results God desires from my obedience to Him.


Without my recognition of my sinfulness, I block people from seeing the totality of who Jesus is, which keeps them from believing in Him for salvation.


Am I willing to block someone from receiving salvation through Jesus because I willfully continue to live my life my way and not God’s way? 


Where do I get in the way of God’s will? What gift/ability has God given me that I take personal pride in and allow that pride and gift to get in the way of someone seeing Jesus working ? When I do this, I claim my right to my ability and don’t interact well with the person I’m striving to help. That’s me basically saying, “I can do this in my strength and ability.” It shows I am not living in Christ’s strength, but in my own strength and what I consider are my self-given abilities. What people see is me, not Jesus. I block people from seeing Jesus and possibly believing in Him for salvation. 


That is sin. 


Lord, please help me see where I walk in my own strength and claim the gifts You’ve given me as my own. Thank you for Your gifts to me. Help me to remember to ask you what You want me to do, how to do it, and to whom to speak about Your guidance as I do what You’ve gifted me to be able to do. Please keep me from blocking anyone from seeing You work through my obedience to You. Help me point people to see You as I use the gifts You’ve given me for Your purposes.