Friday, February 24, 2023

Peace that Surpasses



“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:7


Jesus gives this peace-a wholeness of being without fear that results in the tranquil state of a soul being assured of its salvation through Christ. This peace removes fear of being unforgiven by God, separated from Him, and eternal judgment resulting in eternal hell and it gives love, joy, union with God through Christ, forgiveness, mercy, hope-no reason to fear. That is true peace, which only Jesus can give a person when he or she believes in Him as the Son of God for the forgiveness of his or her sins.


This peace goes beyond anything we can understand. We do not know how to get or give this peace because it’s beyond our comprehension and abilities because we are sinners. Only Jesus, the righteous Son of God, has and gives the unifying peace-unifying the parts of ourself and us with God.


Not only does the peace of Jesus give us wholeness, lack of fear, and union with God, it guards our hearts and minds. Where Jesus is, Satan cannot be. Darkness flees when light enters. 


So seek Jesus. Acknowledge He is God’s Son. Believe in Him and receive His salvation. Let the peace of Christ have reign and rule in your heart, mind, body, and spirit. You will be anxious for nothing and can ask anything of God while thanking Him for His answer in advance knowing He loves you and will answer you. 


That is true peace. That is union with God through Christ. Jesus gives peace that unites the parts of ourself living without fear now and knowing our eternal future with Him is secure. 


“Peace, peace, God’s peace. Peace that is greater than all our sin.”